Saturday, December 8, 2012



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 383 of 383
Anonymous said...

Joe Mo: no

Anonymous said...

JOE FM - no mo works

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe 08: whi, 12: int

>> 363diarolovdricowateqletilbeevedonowhint

Anonymous said...

Joe 16: dau

Anonymous said...

Joefm - Mo = No Mo
8am = White Wedding

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl = Ozzy Osbourne

Anonymous said...

Joe 14: cha

>> 363diarolovdricowateqletilbeevedonowhintchadau

Anonymous said...


8:00 Big me or white wedding
16:00 daughter

diasbias said...



Anonymous said...

new trivia

Kim: los

>> 363diarolovdricowateqletilosbeevedonowhintchadau

(includes all Joe FM listen-and-wins)

Anonymous said...

Kim Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

los angeles

raybo100 said...


raybo100 said...


Anonymous said...

Sonic: plan a
Bounce:. Big hoops

Anonymous said...

Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013

blinded: OJ 287
country: Yesterday
games: 120
get: 24
Layton: 362
music: 8
part 2: Regine
tv: Diff'rent Strokes
weekends: Calgary

Anonymous said...

Partial CISN for This Morning
10: goo, 11: one, 12: how, 13: las, 14: wri, 15: who, 16: bee, 17: fel, 18: til, 19: the, 20: swe, 21: bee
09: (Not working at this time.)
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 362120goonewhowrifelaswebeetilthe

Anonymous said...

Joe Mo: no

Tried following for 8 am, but all failed:
8:07: Too Bad
8:03: Are You Gonna Go My Way
7:56: 3 A.M.
7:51: I Will Wait
7:46: Doesn't Really Matter

>> 362120goonewhowrifelaswebeetiltheno

eskies fan said...

Joe Bonus Code - Fireworks
Joe Mo - no mo

Anonymous said...

Joe noon

copperhead road

Anonymous said...


8:00 the below just worked..

Are You Gonna Go My Way
7:56: 3 A.M.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the 9:00 AM song for CISN I have tried everything I could think of and cant seem to get it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Joe Mo: no, 08: are, 12: cop, 14: i m, 16: wal

>> 362120goonewhowri mfelaswebeetilthenoarecopwal

Anonymous said...

KROCK - Led Zeppelin

wig said...

K-97 Classic vinyl Jan 3

diasbias said...


Computer Spaces

Anonymous said...

CISN Listen and Win

9:00 5-1havreababwathegodponticswewanoldrch
11:00 babefcreda lthegoovei whetiljusmoyouburshomys
12:00 widriticrainbarcrustunotpeogodhompoundjamchilov
13:00 sourocowhelreareitwhowanwhybagwatrumjea
14:00 baglealoodonolovlivtaketimambeeponfinharysavcra
15:00 wasankisiligdrucomtrudontheblowovefrecrateq
16:00 qnorletimyoulifsoustui'mblosavght
17:00 blubabeehavithecowtwoldsomhargimodbudfelund
18:00 sourocowhelreareitwhowanwhybagwatrumjea
19:00 0kisunotimonshelovcowlallalrit'wevedspo
20:00 0kisunotimonshelovcowlallalrit'wevedspo
21:00 helsdonmyouraiwaibrokisavharcrugivjusun

TheOtherGuy said...

Joe music - Paul McCartney

TheOtherGuy said...

Joe last word - No Mo
8am - The Old Man Down The Road (not working)

Anonymous said...

country: 16

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: lis, 11: goo, 12: wid, 13: how, 14: loo, 15: the, 16: stu, 17: bee, 18: how, 19: she, 20: cow, 09: pon, 21: our

>> 361listugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowpon

Dedicated Eskie Fan said...

trivia - country music is 16

Anonymous said...

Joe 12: abo

>> 361listugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabo

Anonymous said...

Joe 14: one

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Pink Floyd

Anonymous said...

Joe 16: ali

>> 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabo

Anonymous said...


>> 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone

Anonymous said...

could someone create a new date heading
i would if i knew how
fondest wishes

Anonymous said...

fellow bloggers
does anyone know how to get a new
date for the headings
I would do it if I knew how

fondest wishes

jmacc2032 said...

blinded: 7
country: Pro Golfer
games: 16
music: Bono And The Edge
part 2: 1939
tv: Richard Karinsky
weekends: Princess Augusta Of Saxe-Gotha

J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Democratic Republic of the Congo
Games and eCards – red
Part 2 – Titus
TV Rewind – California
Weekends – 16

Country – Colbie Caillat
Joe Music - Billy Squier

J. Joplin said...

Monday Jan.7/13

Blinded By Science - Polycephaly
Games and cards - 16
Part 2 - The Knights of Aragon
TV Rewind - Murder in the first degree,seven counts of attempted murder
Weekends - Emperor Sakuramachi

Country - Gets Me Nowhere
Joe Music - Bill Withers

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: 1040babefcreda lthegoovei whetiljusmoyouburshomys
11: 365fouconowheafelivsoupremraitbagsom
12: 004shearegoowaisomyoutenicthetilgivkeesletwi
13: 365fouconowheafelivsoupremraitbagsom
14: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
15: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
16: 0118beturochigeosomaydirthevebarhowhbyeyoumoncrutr
17: 362120goonewhowri mfelaswebeetilthenoarecopwal
18: 363diafirolovdricowateqletilosbeevedonowhintchadau
19: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
20: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
09: 365fouconowheafelivsoupremraitbagsom
21: Better Dig TwoEighteen InchesMusta Had a Good Time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: hom, 11: som, 12: my, 13: som, 14: the, 15: bee, 16: tur, 17: who, 18: lov, 19: i, 20: bee, 09: 5, 21: che
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 35816whomysomthebeeturloviche

Anonymous said...

Joe Mo: k, 08: l

>> 35816whomysomthebeeturlovichek

Anonymous said...

Joe 12: 197

>> 35816197whomysomthebeeturlovichek

Anonymous said...

Joe Sat. 11: she, Sun. 16: tod

(Now working.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe 14: shi

>> 35816197whomysomthebeeturlovichekshi

J. Joplin said...


Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Rock - Who

Anonymous said...

Blinded By Science – Earth
Games n eCards – 8
Part 2 – Seven
TV Rewind – Peter Puppy
Weekends – Argentina

Joe Music - Tears for fears
Country - Hunter Hayes

Anonymous said...

What has happened to this site. Daily updates all under dec 8th?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but at least everyone is still posting.

Anonymous said...

JOE FM MO - Leno

TheOtherGuy said...

Joe 8am - The Boys Are Back In Town (the)

When the admin of the blog gets back maybe we can get them to authorize someone else to enter new posts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:00 0kisunotimonshelovcowlallalrit'wevedspo
10:00 0kisunotimonshelovcowlallalrit'wevedspo
12:00 baglealoodonolovlivtaketimambeeponfinharysavcra
13:00 babefcreda lthegoovei whetiljusmoyouburshomys
14:00 gpepsom(kit'noareetimalwhitaktrusouthestuanyali
15:00 pepsom(kit'noaretimwhitaktrusouthestupreecowany
16:00 blubabeehavithecowtwoldsomhargimodbudfelund
17:00 blubabeehavithecowtwoldsomhargimodbudfelund
18:00 aiponucksmifelbarsprbetakbloraundbighmanfinjan
19:00 5-1havreababwathegodponticswewanoldrch
20:00 baglealoodonolovlivtaketimambeeponfinharysavcra
21:00 baglealoodonolovlivtaketimambeeponfinharysavcra

Anonymous said...


nancyg said...

k97 classic vinyl - david bowie

Anonymous said...




J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Redwood
Games and cards – White
Part 2 – Maine
TV Rewind – Vancouver
Weekends – Paris World Exhibition

Country – Brad Paisley
Joe Music - Surgery to remove nodules

Anonymous said...

10: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
11: 363diafirolovdricowateqletilosbeevedonowhintchadau
12: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
13: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
14: 007zjushocowecomgetheshedayoursumset
15: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
16: 010keecouprebethercryouhowougoogodriaswetomflovsun
17: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
18: 082somamredspa livsleithejacowewholdocheatimrembla
19: HNYclugeteqshouthewhamevoifwhosombeenotra
20: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
09: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
21: 052havdusomycrangcowrilivharcoufasknewhiheadavove

TheOtherGuy said...

Joe 8am - Animal
Last word - Mean Tweets

Anonymous said...

Corus Summary for This Morning

games: whi
Joe Mo: a, 08: a

CISN 10: som, 11: rol, 12: cow, 13: i, 14: day, 15: the, 16: tom, 17: bee, 18: hol, 19: voi, 20: the, 09: the, 21: cra
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 356cowhisomroldaythetombeeholvoicra

Rob said...

Sonic secret word: mama
bounce trivia word: fantasy

TheOtherGuy said...

Joe has changed to Fresh FM

TheOtherGuy said...

Here's the latest posted on Facebook

The New 925 Fresh FM With our recent change to the All New 925 Fresh FM, we've unfortunately had to end the Joe Club. The good news is, that we're not ending it immediately and by going directly to the club:, you'll be able to redeem all your dough until April 11, 2013.
about a minute ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Re: Joe FM station change.

Acck. Can't access the broadcasthistory.aspx site to get the 12 and 2 pm songs, if they're even validated...

nancyg said...

K97 classic vinyl - led zeppelin

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if there will be a new listeners club for the 925 Fresh FM?

Anonymous said...

I couldnt find and information on 925 web site about a listeners club, but I do know that they have changed the music format to pop. Justin Beaver and such. They have lost my ears.

Anonymous said...

WOW, killed JoeFM without giving notice to loyal listeners. You can still get points at the featured links, check your account after clicking on the sites, for what its worth..A lot of the Corus Ent. media stations are cancelling their listeners club.

Anonymous said...

blinded: six
country: His own influence
games: red
music: Nearly $200,000
part 2: Arthur Brock
tv: In Living Colour
weekends: Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

10: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
11: 365fouconowheafelivsoupremraitbagsom
12: 027nucownoshebloallboosomthetomdidharocfintak
13: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
14: 115theasmamevebeturgetrundirblourponsimyswonlea
15: 020predidowoundtheallovhargoolivjusomamneepri
16: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis
17: 028fasomjusouponi'mtimthebefbeethahonbagplurundig
18: 365fouconowheafelivsoupremraitbagsom
19: 361alistugoouredhowidloothebeeshecowponoabone
20: 362120goonewhowri mfelaswebeetilthenoarecopwal
09: 028fasomjusouponi'mtimthebefbeethahonbagplurundig
21: 3578alrbacomyoulivwhiprebeejusombethedonkis

Anonymous said...

Where can I get the song for Joe FM? I don't have answers for 8,12,2pm and 4 pm.

TheOtherGuy said...

Last word - no more Joe :(

Anonymous said...

These worked for yesterday's
12:00 0kisunotimonshelovcowlallalrit'wevedspo
2:00 5-1havreababwathegodponticswewanoldrch

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous for the songs yesterday.
Do you know where can I get the songs for 8 am today? I google it and it took me to a new Fm website.

Anonymous said...

anyone have the link for the old joefm website?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

New Fresh FM listeners club to be introduced soon according to a facebook post from Fresh.

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Rod Stewart

nancyg said...

K97 classic vinyl - rod stewart

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary
10: the, 11: it, 12: fin, 13: i, 14: onl, 15: all, 16: the, 17: bef, 18: sou, 19: how, 20: fel, 09: fas, 21: the

>> 355redithebefinonlallsouhowfelfas

TheOtherGuy said...

You can still collect points for trivia and featured links whe you go to

Anonymous said...

Hi TheOtherGuy, how about the songs for Joe Fm? Where can I get them?

Anonymous said...

games: blu

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: no, 11: dan, 12: cow, 13: fly, 14: jus, 15: how, 16: som, 17: the, 18: goo, 19: out, 20: wat, 09: you, 21: drier
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 354bludanocowatheflyoutjusomhowgoodri

J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – 10%
Games n eCards – blue
Part 2 – Fisherman
TV Rewind – Seattle
Weekends – King Umberto I

Country - Clemson
Joe Music - Is It Love

Anonymous said...

Joe FM's song history used to be published on (similar to the corresponding CISN webpage) but that is no longer available at this time.

TheOtherGuy said...

The playlist is gone so no more L&W's for Joe. Might have to wait for the new station to start their own club and see what happens. For now we can still access some of the Joe stuff.

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Sammy Hagar

Anonymous said...

Thanks "TheOtherGuy and Anonymous" for the information.

J. Joplin said...

Blinded by Science - Flight
Games and cards - 7
Part 2 - 1987
TV Rewind - MacGyver
Weekends - 1946

Country - Carrie Underwood
Joe Music - Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the last Joe Bonus Code ?
thank you

Anonymous said...

There was no bonus word given

J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Three
Games n eCards – 4
Part 2 – Curve
TV Rewind – Hamburger
Weekends – Bill Richardson

Country - Til My Last Day
Joe Music - Beat It by Michael Jackson

Anonymous said...

blinded: Lightning
country: Dawn
games: 64
Layton: 351
music: Face Value
part 2: Tom Cruise
tv: Columbo
weekends: Sweden

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: lov, 11: rem, 12: fre, 13: the, 14: sum, 15: bet, 16: tic, 17: how, 18: i, 19: hel, 20: bet, 09: tak, 21: sum
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 35164bethelovfremsumtichowtak

NANCY said...

CISN 815 - two lanes (works)

Anonymous said...

CISN 12:15: san

>> 35164bethelovfremsumtichowtaktwosan

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Black Sabbath

Anonymous said...

Cisn 6:15 Motor Oil

Anonymous said...

blinded: David Scott
country: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
games: not
Layton: 350
music: Destruction
part 2: Singer
tv: $44 million
weekends: 1946

(CISN listen-and-wings not accepting answers at this time; will likely activate later in the morning.)

>> 350not

NANCY said...

CISN 815 - USS

Anonymous said...

9AM - The Wind

Anonymous said...

12:15 Pennzoil

jmacc2032 said...


Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CISN 6:15
2 lanes of freedom

Truck Yeah

Anonymous said...

CISN - these worked
7 - ticourwhevei'mybefaskis
8 - ivsoupremraitbagsofouconowheafelm
9 - bethelovfremsumtichowtak

Rob said...

Sonic secret word: action
Bounce trivia word: classy

J. Joplin said...

Blinded by Science - Apollo 12
Games n eCards - 7
Part 2 - Smegan
TV Rewind - 1996
Weekends - 42

Country - Canada
Joe Music - Faster Than the Speed of Night

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: how, 11: wan, 12: toe, 13: rol, 14: out, 15: eve, 16: ain, 17: who, 18: we, 19: som, 20: eve, 09: you, 21: hea
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomhea

Anonymous said...

CISN 8:15: one (worked just now)

Anonymous said...

Cisn 815 - One That Got Away

Anonymous said...

Cisn 12:15 - Southern Girl

Anonymous said...

CISN 12:15: sou

>> 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheaonesou

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Def Leppard

Anonymous said...

K97 Army

Anonymous said...

Anybody get the CISN 6:15 word?

Anonymous said...

CISN 6:15 word this worked


Anonymous said...

10: ?
11: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
12: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
13: 028fasomjusouponi'mtimthebefbeethahonbagplurundig
14: 356cowhisomroldaythetombeeholvoicra
15: 356cowhisomroldaythetombeeholvoicra
16: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
17: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
18: 5021'ti lifbabgoovesonharethegodjumsurall
19: 350penotwotrusshepreadidosobethevegoo
20: 350penotwotrusshepreadidosobethevegoo
09: 350penotwotrusshepreadidosobethevegoo
21: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cisn 8:15 - music

Anonymous said...

Blinded - Saturn
Games - 3
Music - An American Tail
Country music Kenny Chesney
Part 2 - Dr. Jason Woodrue
TV - Quantum Leap
Weekends - Yitzhak Rabin

Anonymous said...

Corus Summary for This Morning

CISN 10: far, 11: i, 12: who, 13: tha, 14: tom, 15: old, 16: eve, 17: ain, 18: sur, 19: the, 20: the, 09: no, 21: eve, 08:15: mus
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 348farthainoldwhotomusurtheve

Anonymous said...

CISN 12:15: car

>> 348farthainoldwhotomusurthevecar

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Rolling Stones

NANCY said...

CISN 615 - Nashville

Anonymous said...

blinded: GSC 02620-00648
country: Sweetbriar
games: 5
music: Addicted to Love
part 2: Nikolas Van Helsing
tv: You, Murderer
weekends: 1979

Anonymous said...

10: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
11: 350penotwotrusshepreadidosobethevegoo
12: 010keecouprebethercryouhowougoogodriaswetomflovsun
13: 354bludanocowatheflyoutjusomhowgoodri
14: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
15: 348farthainasoldwhotomusurthevecar
16: 005winsomaundjeaqputatakjusmigodrimyouwhylon
17: 010keecouprebethercryouhowougoogodriaswetomflovsun
18: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
19: 005winsomaundjeaqputatakjusmigodrimyouwhylon
20: HNYclugeteqshouthewhamevoifwhosombeenotra
09: 01428stalomudanowateqbetherbeeshebigi oclomexhar
21: 350penotwotrusshepreadidosobethevegoo
08:15: 0118beturochigeosomaydirthevebarhowhbyeyoumoncrutr

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning

10: you, 11: goo, 12: cou, 13: jus, 14: you, 15: the, 16: god, 17: cou, 18: sou, 19: tat, 20: ame, 09: alo, 21: she, 08:15: you
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 347yougoocoujusoutathegodamealoshe

nancyg said...


Anonymous said...

Cisn 12:15 - Mexicana

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl - Queen

Della said...

Cisn 6:15 - Feb 5

J. Joplin said...

Blinded by Science - Six Years
Games and cards - 50
Part 2 - New York City
TV Rewind - Sunnydale
Weekends - George Holliday

Country - Taylor Swift
Joe Music - Count Three & Pray

TheOtherGuy said...

Blinded By Science – Ivory Billed Woodpecker
Games n eCards – Mamba
Part 2 – Keiko
TV Rewind – Howie Mandel
Weekends – New York City

Country – Feels
Joe Music - Can't Slow Down by Lionel Rithcie

Anonymous said...

Layton: 344

CISN Summary for Morning of Jan. 21, 2013
10: a, 11: out, 12: ame, 13: wit, 14: som, 15: eve, 16: eve, 17: whe, 18: jus, 19: bet, 20: eve, 09: hom, 21: who
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 344ameveoutwitjusomwhebetwhom

Anonymous said...

blinded: North Carolina
country: No Shoes Nation
games: bag
music: You Can’t Hurry Love
part 2: 30 years
tv: Wisconsin
weekends: 223

>> 344bagameveoutwitjusomwhebetwhom

diasbias said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

blinded: North Carolina

Anonymous said...

country: No Shoes Nation

Anonymous said...

games: bag

Anonymous said...

Can no of you see all the trivia answers posted above at 1:11AM no need to repost, just look

Nancy said...

K97 Vinyl - derek and the dominos

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

blinded: 1947
country: Night Train by Jason Aldean
games: 14
music: Gun n’ Roses
Part 2: Coronation Egg
tv: Bill Cosby
weekend: 1995

Anonymous said...

12,4,9pm - 344bagameveoutwitjusomwhebetwhom

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

17: 3497whowanyoutoeverolainwesomheacconesou
18: Every Storm (Runs out Of Rain)More Than MilesDon't Rush
19: 3475yougoocoujusoutathegodamexaloshefeb
20: 024whavbeelif'tilivgoogetherkistucrejusav
21: 344bagameveoutwitjusomwhebetwhom

Anonymous said...

14: 05516towaiwhonefashecomudcrufelwanjusisedrihiltha
15: 073widriticrainbarcrustunotpeogodhompoundjamchilov

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for Early Afternoon
10: sol, 11: lot, 12: whe, 13: alr, 14: hil, 15: peo, 16: eve, 17: con, 18: tor, 19: the, 20: sav, 09: sur, 21: eve
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 34314solotorwhevealrhilpeoconthesavsur

nancyg said...

K97 classic vinyl - journey

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: bet, 11: jus, 12: she, 13: our, 14: rem, 15: if, 16: whe, 17: eve, 18: sou, 19: smi, 20: the, 09: eve, 21: god
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 342bethevejusouremshesmifwhegod

Rob said...

Sonic Secret word: adrenaline
Bounce trivia word: quickie

Anonymous said...

blinded: Robert Jarvik
country: Martina McBride
games: 10
Layton: 342
music: Footloose
part 2: Indio
tv: Diefenbaker
weekends: New Jersey

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: bet, 11: jus, 12: she, 13: our, 14: rem, 15: if, 16: whe, 17: eve, 18: sou, 19: smi, 20: the, 09: eve, 21: god
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 34210bethevejusouremshesmifwhegod

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What idiot makes these posts (above)????

pedie said...

I agree!!! Who is this???

Anonymous said...

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nancyg said...

K97 classic vinyl - Tragically Hip

Anonymous said...

Think they're trolling for spam-blocking. If there was a live blog administrator, the admin could erase those posts.

Anonymous said...

K97 Bonus SPICY

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: all, 11: ang, 12: hon, 13: hig, 14: liv, 15: cry, 16: hop, 17: ang, 18: eve, 19: sou, 20: do, 09: goo, 21: the
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 34164allivanghonhigoocryhopthevesoudo

Anonymous said...

blinded: Bill Clinton
country: Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood
games: 64
Layton: 341
music: Akron
part 2: Janitor
tv: Blush
weekends: Chaim Weizmann

Anonymous said...

K97 Classic Vinyl
Thursday - AC/DC
Friday - Van Halen

Anonymous said...

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J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Marie Curie
Games n eCards – 100
Part 2 – Napoleon
TV Rewind – 25
Weekends – Voice of America

Country - Get to know them
Joe Music - Riptide

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Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: eve, 11: the, 12: rea, 13: fre, 14: swe, 15: sou, 16: i l, 17: alr, 18: how, 19: som, 20: i l, 9: i d, 21: whi
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 340100thevefrealrswesoui lhowhisomi d

Anonymous said...

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J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Elephants
Games n eCards – 10
Part 2 – Archbishop Gilda
TV Rewind – Joss Whedon
Weekends – Larry Mahoney

Country - Toby Keith
Joe Music - Top Gun

Anonymous said...

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J. Joplin said...

Blinded By Science – Ming
Games n eCards – 10
Part 2 – Dr. Allan Neyman
TV Rewind - Phoenix Foundation
Weekends – Poland

Country - Two
Joe Music - Bruce Hornsby and The Range

Anonymous said...

blinded: Luke Howard
country: Jason Aldean
games: dry
Layton: 337
music: Rap/hip-hop
part 2: Doctor
tv: Drew Carrey
weekends: Chile

Anonymous said...

CISN Summary for This Morning
10: kis, 11: put, 12: hea, 13: bet, 14: fin, 15: the, 16: she, 17: eve, 18: she, 19: tat, 20: the, 09: eve,
21: rol
(Subject to playlist variations.)

>> 337drykisheveputheabetatfinrol

Anonymous said...

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