Sunday, November 21, 2010



Anonymous said...

country: Sept. 19
tech: Comodo

Bounce 2: res
Gain: hea
games: 4
P&G Bounce: sta
P&G fabric: int
Tide: --- (but may change later)
Tide Umbrella: tou
Wag Jag: sha

>> 4restaheaintou---sha

Anonymous said...

(Guessing, as sites are not cooperating now:)
sports: Steven Richards
this day: Newfoundland & Labrador
word: No wire unsent

TheOtherGuy said...

This day - Quebec

Those provinces that once had an upper house got rid of it long ago. Ontario did so in 1867. Quebec was the last in 1968

NANCY said...

This day - Quebec (not Nfld & Lbdr)

Anonymous said...

We'll probably never see the days of 100,000 points-a-day limits (like earlier this year); currently it's capped at 20,000 points a day.

And we probably won't see 30,000 points-an-hour rates in some games because of the delay, but at with the workaround above, it won't be as bad...

TheOtherGuy said...

Bounce II - question mark (que)
Gain - sniff out and create matching items (sni)
Games n ecards - 34
HSW - both of the above (bot)
HSW II - Gandhi (gan)
HSW III - internet (int)
P&G Bounce - hoarder (hoa)
P&G Fabric - Oral B (ora)
SYC - oyster shells (oys)
Tide - got a HE washer (got)
Tide umbrella - swaddlers and cruisers (swa)
Wag Jag - get to know wag jag

Tech - Oliver Lucas

Anonymous said...

country: Bobby Wood, John Peppard, & Garth Brooks (though answer's not being accepted at this time)

>> quesnint34botganhoaoraoyswagotget